Floridas Rural Lands Preservation
  • Landscape scale planning
  • Integration of agriculture and natural systems in urban planning
  • Preservation and restoration of natural systems

    The benefits of alternative planning:

  • Less driving = lower cost of living, fewer emissions
  • Higher quality of life
  • Permanent enhancement of agriculture and natural systems at little or no cost to taxpayers
  • Lower land taxes

    These are short lists -- each has many more possible components.  However, the direction is clear --
    we need to do things differently, and there are ways to move forward that lead to positive outcomes.

    Committee for Sustainable Treasure Coast

    The CSTC was a committee organized by Sen. Ken Pruitt to identify the ways to achieve sustainable
    development.  After meeting for almost two years, the Committee issued a report that can be found
    Here.  In the report, the Rural Lands Subcommittee felt that the three things must happen in order
    for agriculture to be a permanent landscape component.
  • Agriculture must be profitable

  • Transfer of Development Rights programs must be successfully applied

  • The combination of expectation of future profits and the sale of development
    rights must yield an economic value to farmers that is equal to or greater than
    selling the land outright for development.

    It seems that there will be a "demographic bulge" as Baby Boomers leave cities over the next 10
    years.   The number of people aged 55 to 75 in rural areas will double over that period over what
    would occur without the outmigration from cities - 30% vs 15% historically.  The Internet will allow
    people more mobility, so more will choose the open space, more affordable housing, and slower pace
    of the countryside.  The rise in population in rural areas will be close to 6 million from 2000 to 2020.

    If you couple that with the trend of people moving southward, the conclusion would be that
    settlement in the countryside of sun belt states, with Florida leading the way, will increase.  It's not
    over because of the recession and housing crisis -- just delayed a bit.  Given this prediction, we have
    no choice but to plan accordingly.